Loving Kindness

I feel very conflicted in some ways about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is not that I am not outraged by what is happening, but in the middle of the outrage, I am still able to see that it is my thoughts that are causing the feeling and I am able to return “home” …

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Jo Leahy

I am open for business

I am so excited to be launching my web site at last – it feels as though it has been gestating for so long that parturition is long overdue.  And it turns out not to be so painful after all!   Sarah, my web designer, has been patiently waiting for my content for weeks now and …

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Inspiration for
every day

"Spending hours trying to think your way out of your problems is like walking east looking for a sunset - no matter how smart you are and no matter how hard you're willing to work, it's never going to happen that way."
Michael Neil