How I work

Working with me

When we get together; whether that’s as an individual or a couple – my aim is always the same… to wake the client up to their own potential. Now that might sound like a cheap soundbite, but to me, and I mean this wholeheartedly… there’s nothing that have that you need – it’s not “my” potential it’s yours!  – ALL transformation comes from within and my job, as a transformative coach, is to point you in the direction of your own potential.

What you will notice is that whilst coaching I’m focused upon one thing – and that’s you. Of course I’m a professional – but this conversation is human to human and not expert to client and it’s most certainly not a relentlessly positive type of coaching; this conversation transforms lives and often that means being pushed to the edge of your comfort zone.

There is no fixed way of joining me in this conversation… from hiring a meeting room, meeting at the workplace, meeting in a relaxing hotel lobby or quiet cafe, meeting online via Zoom or other conferencing software… whatever works for both parties is great.  During the pandemic we have all become used to meeting online and my experience is that this works very well for coaching.  Additionally,  because I Iive quite a long way from most cities, the geographical challenge is addressed!

I tend to meet up with my clients for one to two hours, typically every two to three weeks, but these sessions are all about you – so I’m more than happy to create sessions that are flexible enough to satisfy your availability.

I like to have an initial conversation with a potential client, with no charge and no commitment, for both of us to get a sense of how we might work together then, if we “click” we agree on how working together would work, including fees. 

Who is this for?

To put it simply – if you’re reading this then I make the assumption that you’re a human being – and that’s all that’s needed to qualify. I’m not going to give the usual list of issues that I’m able to help… because I believe that everyone, no matter what their circumstance, can benefit from this understanding; whether you’re looking to break-free from something or whether you’re doing great and just looking for a new direction or moment of clarity.


In addition to individual coaching I’m also very happy to make presentations to organisations; anything from a one hour ‘taster’ to a full day’s training. The aim of these talks, quite obviously, depends upon the requirement of the organisation concerned but generally speaking I aim to teach the importance of “state of mind”, how stress really works, what are the principles behind the human experience and how understanding them changes lives, how relationships work, what is resilience and why does it matter, how to understand other people’s reality, understanding emotions, blocks to creativity and innovation, wellbeing… For more detail please email me.

“We have the most wonderful job in the world. We find people in various stages of sleep. And then we get to tap them on the shoulder and be with them as they wake up to the full magnificence of life.”

Sydney Banks

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Hang up your SuperHero Cape - available now!


Inspiration for
every day

"Spending hours trying to think your way out of your problems is like walking east looking for a sunset - no matter how smart you are and no matter how hard you're willing to work, it's never going to happen that way."
Michael Neil